Thursday, July 21, 2011

My husband, sits and smokes, watches tv, eats junk, does'nt excercise, and having a conversation with him is s?

o boring I want to pull my hair out, I don't smoke, I excercise, I eat right and read and learn and he is not interested in any of it, we don't have sex and have'nt for a few years because he has no idea what to do, he wants me to do all the work, so I have no interest, I even get so frustrated out of pure bordeom I call him names, and say things to prompt some action but he just sits and stares at the tv? he does'nt take care of himself so he is sick alot, colds, cough, and he catches me off guard and kisses me quickly to go to work and I wipe my mouth because I get sick from him, I am sick now, I had great credit and he caused us to file for bankrupsty because he gets into debt, I am always doing the right thing and he is a parasitic slug that I despise, any suggestions what to do with this loser?

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