Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mission Space at Epcot in Disney World?

So, I will be going to Disney again soon and I have never been on this ride. I know there are two different versions, and the "green" one is less intense and doesn't have spinning or G-forces. The "orange" is more intense and makes it really feel like you're taking off in a rocket. I'm sure I'd be fine on the green one, but I don't know about the orange. It sounds cool but I'd be a little nervous about going on it. I've heard some people say it's really fun, but I've heard some really bad things too, like some people said it made them so sick that they had to go back to their hotels for the rest of the day. And apparently there are vomit bags too. So I'm wondering whether or not I'd be able to handle the orange. I went on the Tower of Terror the last time I was there, and I liked it, but I did feel SLIGHTLY queasy after I got off. But it was nothing bad, I just sat down for a minute and then got right up and was able to eat lunch. lol. I also live near the Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama and have been on the rides there. There's this one called "The G-Force" where you're in a circular room and basically strapped into this thing on the wall, and you start out standing up and then it lifts you off the ground and it just spins really fast. I'm able to handle that just fine, but I don't know if it would compare to Mission Space.

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