Saturday, July 23, 2011

What should i build on my empty floor in tiny tower for ipod?

I already have a residential, a food, A recreational and a service floor. What should i make the next one? Residential, creative or retail? Whats the most worth it?

I was wouldering if i have one computer?

i was wouldering if i have one computer tower and 2 flat screens hooked up if there is a way to have facebook on one moniter and watch moveies on the other if that is possiable and how can i do it

Soviet invasion of japan WW2?

If the Japanese didn't surrender is it reasonable to assume the Soviet Army would have done their own version of Operation Downfall? After their success from Operation August Storm in Manchuria and northern Korea would they have continued into Japan, making a US invasion of Japan unnecessary? If we had not dropped the atomic bombs, would Japan and the USSR slugged it out? Would that be good for the interests of the U.S? Since the U.S was fearful of Stalin and wanted to end the war with Japan, would that be killing two birds with one stone? In the end, who do you think will survive USSR or Japan?

Looking for model skyscrapers?

I'm thinking of building a model city but I need some futuristic model skyscrapers. I'm thinking along the lines of -- Ryugyong Hotel, Nakagin Capsule Tower, Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, Tokyo City Hall Tower I, Khan Shatyr, Burj Khalifa, Emirates Office Tower, Burj Dubai, One Central Park, CN Tower, Islamic Bank Towers, The Index, Xerox Tower. I'll also need some apartment buildings too. Please give links. Thanks!

Why does my subwoofer only connect to two tower speakers?

I take it that this is just a set of speakers and you have a receiver that you are trying to hook them up to. The simple answer is just hook the speakers that you can't get to work directly to the receiver and bypass the interface on the subwoofer. It's unlikely that that interface does anything anyway. However, given the quality of these speakers I would be very hesitant to hook them up to anything except a test amplifier with ample protection circuitry. These are one of the notorious "White Van" brands of speakers. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Quality was not one of the factors that went into their design and they may well have impedance properties that could damage a receiver. I don't know what to tell you to do with them. If they were mine I'd either "vivisect" them being careful to recycle the parts properly or put them in the fire pit in my back yard where I burn yard waste. I'd be afraid to simply throw them out for fear that some innocent person would pick them up, try to use them and damage a perfectly good amplifier.

How do i get a smooth pubic hair shave?

im a man and i started shaving about a week ago, i shave but it never gets as smoth as i want there are always little hairs that are IMPOSIBLE to take out, i researched it here and people said to cut in the direction opposite to the hairs, i tried it and it didnt work there were little cuts everywhere. it doesnt hurt but its kinda red and with some pimples. i cant use laser because im a teen and well i cant aford it and i cant wax because i dont have money and aparently it hurts, and i cant ask my parents to buy some because you know... awkward. some people said to brush the razor softly but the hairs are too small to cut softly. so does anyone know how to get it soft?? btw i use shaving cream and a razor (gillette mach 3)... (serious answers please)

Pokemon HG: Problem With Team Rocket Radio Tower Challenge?

You get the Team Rocket outfit from the Goldenrod underground. It's by the north side, and you talk to the Team Rocket member behind the counter.

What game is this????????????

please help. i cant find this game i used to play. it was really good, but now i can't remember it's name and can't seem to find it. i was wondering if anyone could help me. it's in 2d, you play as some kind of snail or slug or animal. it was a puzzle game, kind of like an rpg. you could go to hell but i can't remember how. the floor was mostly made of flat squares. im sorry i cant remember more, please help if you can.thankyou. im pretty sure it was an online flash game.

How can god exist if...?

im sorry but i guarantee you will not recieve a single logical answer from the crowd your asking. just the other day i saw one of them ask "if god doesnt exist, then how do you explain lightning?' i was like are you sh*ting me?

At what height do men generally never feel 'towered'?

I mean if your about 6'0 do you EVER feel towered by another man? generally there is a 5-6 inch rule to feeling towered and once you hit 6 foot, the chances of someone being 5 or 6 inches taller then you is pretty slim

Is it okay to use a gillette fusion proglide in the shower?

I use a standard razor and I usually shave in the shower, I heard a lot about the gillette fusion proglide and wanted to get one but I and was wondering if I will be able to shave in the shower with it?

Whats a good razor brand to shave?

I already tried gillette fusion and wasnt really good for my skin and now im using hydro 5 but still cant get a closer shave shoud I try the new gillete fusion proglide?

Would you spend money on a Xbox 360 250GB Kinect console if you already had a Xbox 360?

I was buying a game today when the sudden idea to buy a newer version of the console hit me, but at the same time the words waste of money slugged me in the gut. I asked someone I knew their opinion on it as they have the updated version saying that rumor has it the new Xbox 720 won't be even begun to be built till 2013 and they told me they'd just wait, but my thoughts are my Xbox 360 is a 2006 model and even though it appears to run fine I think it might be good sense I can afford it to buy a newer one. Anyone got an opinion?

Is my computer the best?

I have a 500 watt 5 channel sound system, GTX 590 intel i7 990x cpu, 2tb HD+ 200 GB SS raid 0 12 gigs of ram 1800 mhz liquid cooled full tower system, with rat9 mouse and saitek keyboard aswell as 3 screen surround setup with LED and 3d vision glasses. The best or wut?

Nice gaming pc for around $1000-$1100?

i want it to have an amd phenom x6 1100t, modular power supply around 850W, a radeon 6950 or gtx 570-580, 8 gigs RAM and a nice air cooler like a thermal take v6 gt or noctua dh14 and the case would be like a mid tower or xion predator 970.

What are some good books to read?

im very picky about what books i like, for example i heard the Dark Tower series by steven king was suppose to be really good but i read thru the whole first book and hated every minuit of it, i just couldnt get sucked into the story, but when i read the harry potter series i eagerly waited for each book to come out and read it in 3-5 days. Idk what kinda books i like cuz im not usually into that fantasy stuff but i loved the harry potter series. i think i prefer them written from a specific characters point of view.

I have all of the outlet spots of a power strip filled and then some? Is this safe?

You know a power strip that allows you to plug multiple outlet plugs into it to power multiple electrical appliances.The power strip itself is attached to an extension chord that is plugged into a wall outlet. The six appliances that occupy the six outlet plugs are my computer (tower), my monitor, computer speakers, power plug for modem/router, then I switch off one of the outlets between a lamp and printer (I have ran out of outlets so this is how I use both). The last outlet on this power strip is occupied with another extension chord which is attached to yet another power strip. On this other strip, I have a 36 inch flat screen t.v. plugged in, an alarm clock, a DVD player, and a 120 watt guitar amp (I don't always have the guitar amp on obviously but when I do I don't remove any plug). I hope you have already guessed that in this room there are no wall outlets, which is of course why I do all of this. I guess I'm trying to ask, IS THIS SAFE! I actually really think about it when I'm switching the one plug between my lamp and printer (don't want to get shocked), or when I'm playing my guitar (afraid of damage to amp). IS THIS SAFE TO ME AND MY APPLIANCES!!! Please help. Thanks!

I had a random dream earlier?

I was a sea slug and I was eating a cuttlefish. Then, I got up on a stage(now i'm in regular human form) and started to swipe(b-boy move) with a hermit crab. Then a monkey at a bug and said garga and a bunch of hot dogs started to stampede and then Mater from cars said he did what in his cup? I was then riding a wind up rat car and it ate count olaf and then a betta fish said i kill you. and then an albino catfish ate an algae pellet.

I am looking for a specific computer!?

Just build it yourself, it'll also help you out if you can troubleshoot your own PC. Although i would get a Gigabyte or ASUS board and a full tower case (to give you extra room for future upgrades).

Can anyone diagnose my computer?

I am not good at computer so sorry that I cannot do any help. Hope some guys will come here and offer you a suitable answer. By the way, help me to have a hit on cheap gucci items can be available there. I thought some of them are copies, but that don't mind me to own a sunglasses since it is so cheap to let me have a chance to show myself with Gucci sunglasses. lol.

Help! I've spilt salt on my banana slug which I call Samantha!?

So I was taking her out to a French dinner at her place (it's the lovliest leaf you've ever done seen too) and I was getting her into the mood with some fermented spinach. She got real tipsy as did I and as i was picking the plates up and going to put them in the sink I hit the salt and it fell all over her! Help please! She's gives the most perfect slime jobs and I don't want her to die. :(

What's good for a really close, comfortable shave?

I've been using the Gillette Fusion razor for a while and I'm not really satisfied with it. Is there any brand of razor or even machine that you could recommend based on personal experience thats really smooth and gives a close, comfortable, painless shave?

Difference between Gillette mach 3 vs Gillette custom plus 3?

What is the Difference between Gillette Mach 3 vs Gillette Custom Plus 3? I cant find any difference except for the price and the handle construction. The blades are identical.

If Floyd Jr. is cited for contempt, will this affect his training for Ortiz?

a href=";_ylt=Aigu.spAHUNZGH_O6mkSNI45nYcB?slug=ap-mayweather-lawsuit";_ylt=Ai…/a

Venus embrace or mens gillette fusion for bikini area? please help!?

Which razor is best for women's bikini area?? Because i heard men's are better as they are made for coarser hair? Also, any gel's or tips for preventing razor bumps?

Can i pack my venus gillette shaver in checked bag luggage going internationally?

Yes, you can put just about anything in checked baggage. They are very serious about what you bring in your carry on, they don't really care about checked baggage because you couldn't even get to it if you wanted to lol. Just not explosives of course :D

What kind of snake is this? (pic)?

My 7 year old recently found a snake I originally thought it was a garter but I'm not so sure anymore. My husband said it could be a northern brown snake but again we are not sure. My son found it a slug yesterday and the snake ate it. Here is the pic a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why can't 'christians' show us a miracle in front of a tv camera?

Why is it that miracles always happen in distant and remote places where the brightest person in attendance has at best a second-grade education and the intelligence of a sea slug? Why do 'miracles' (by definition: an event that could not occur without divine intervention) never happen in front of educated, intelligent witnesses who are equipped with modern recording devices?

Where can I find stock history for The Gillette Company?

The Gillette Company was acquired by Proctor and Gamble in 2005 and I am look for year end price for 1996 through 2001.

Do gillette blades have the same fitting around the world?

Do gillette blades have the same fitting around the world? So if I bought some abroad e.g.China would the blades still fit my Gillette Fusion Power Razer here in Great Britain.

Facial Shaving Question??????

Hi, I'm 18 and I've been shaving my facial hair for a while. I use the Gillette Fusion Pro Glide with Gillette shaving gel. Every time I shave I always end up having irritation. My face gets sensitive and it feels like it's stinging. It lasts for about a day. I'm shaving in the right direction and following all the standard steps. I don't understand how other men don't have irritation when they shave. Any suggestions????

Computer makes a buzzing noise.?

I'm going to assume that this is one of the thick monitors because it always seems to happen to those specifically. If not, I'm going to say the same thing. It's dying. Every monitor has it's life span and it will go out eventually. Keep using it until it goes out and be prepared to buy yourself another. Sorry mate, but it happens to us all :(

How do i get a smooth pubic hair shave?

im a man and i started shaving about a week ago, i shave but it never gets as smoth as i want there are always little hairs that are IMPOSIBLE to take out, i researched it here and people said to cut in the direction opposite to the hairs, i tried it and it didnt work there were little cuts everywhere. it doesnt hurt but its kinda red and with some pimples. i cant use laser because im a teen and well i cant aford it and i cant wax because i dont have money and aparently it hurts, and i cant ask my parents to buy some because you know... awkward. some people said to brush the razor softly but the hairs are too small to cut softly. so does anyone know how to get it soft?? btw i use shaving cream and a razor (gillette mach 3)... (serious answers please)

What would be a great middle name for a little girl We have chose Gentry for her first name?

So you want to name your kid "those who are not members of the nobility but are entitled to a coat of arms" which is the definition of that word. noun, not name, sorry.

What do u think? please help!!!!?

I really like Braylee skye. My niece was almost Aubree rayne, it sounds like it would fit with the rest. Lol just my $0.02. Hope you like it. Either way please post what you pick.

12 Gauge or 20 Gauge for Deer/Upland?

Im going to buy an 870 Express Combo but am undecided on what guage to get it in. Im leaning toward the 20 as it has less recoil and slightly better ballistics in terms of shooting slugs, but in terms of shooting shot does the 12 carry much more shot to make a real difference while shooting pheasant or clays?

Ok so my cats back legs froze up and her tail curled up she couldn't walk just fell over what causes this?

My Cat had kittens about 6 weeks ago, now she has diarrhea, she ate a slug the other night, and we are for sure she has ear mites, and just today she had an incodent where her back legs froze up on her and her tail curled up on her back her eyes looked like she couldnt see and everytime time she tried to walk she would just fall over :( any ideas of what it could be caused by?

How to remove the laser from a desktop tower?

im doing a project that i need the laser to. i need to be able to attach a AA batery pack to the laser for power. (im making a burning laser pen) but i need to know how to remove the laser and attach a new power supply(batterys) to the laser. so any help would be appreciated

I'm getting slugs in my shower, and I mean lots of them, how do I get rid of them?

Every night I will find 6-8 slugs in my stand up shower and I can't figure out how they are getting in there. I clean the shower every other day, and now I noticing that they moving out to the bathroom floor and other areas of the bathroom. I put salt on them pick them up with a toilet paper and flush them, but everyday they come back. I need help!!! What can I do?

How high was the water tower on That 70s Show?

There is no way in real life that any human being would survive such a fall. With the exception of Charlie, all of the guys have fallen off at least once & walked away with nothing more than a few scrapes & sprains. Impossible. The water tower in my town is REAL high. A drop that high would liquify anyone who fell off.

My str-dh510 stereo is in protect mode?

my str-dh510 sony stereo is in protect mode it starts up and PROTECT and shuts off my cat jumped on my tower and the wire crossed and thats then it started so is there an easy fix or what or should i just toss the thing out the window need help

Ok well i need a GIRLZ help on this one?

Okay well i wanna shave down there?? Bt i one time did veerry little and it itched and burned?? sooo idk waht to do....Help?!?! and if i doo ,doo i put shaving cream down there??? and waht kinda shavers do i use?? i have a Venus Gillette and its yellow and scented..soo plz help

What choke do i use for model 58 b savage stevens bolt action 20 gauge while shooting slugs?

You don't use a choke with a slug, a choke just narrows or widens the pattern of the shot, think about it.

Why do I have more than one hair growing from the follicles near the edge of my beard?

Its how hair grows thicker on every livingg organism with hair like a chinchilla.they have like 8 and 9 hairs in the same hair follicle.

Friday, July 22, 2011

.410 for deer hunting????????

Were I'm at is in the middle of pines so I cant get a shot more than 50 yards out. The blind I'm in is very small so i have trouble getting my 30-06 out the window. I was going to use a 12 gauge with a slug because the slug can go threw brush easier but its bulkier, weights more and I'm tight in space. My 410 will be easier to move with because its shorter and lighter. Does the 410 have enough power to go threw brush and down a deer with a slug? I am a good shot and can easily make a clean shot to the heart and drop the deer. So please don't say don't cause the deer will suffer

I have weird dreams about random stuff?

I had a dream that I was watching a corydora eat an algae pellet for 2 hours and it got really fat in the end and it exploded in a mushroom cloud and it then said, I eat my food, so I get big. You no eat, that is why you are small. And then I was Dressed up like Link from zelda and I was in a dramatic pose with the wind blowing my hat to the side and A robber came in and sang that one chorus or song or whatever the heck it is when qui gon jinn is battling darth maul. That man chorus, that's it. I swung my sword and killed him and then that girl I like from school came over and was about to kiss me, but then slapped me and told me 'what a pimp.' Then I was all like what? and then a hermit carb stampede came in and ate someones hotdog and then started to challenge me to a b-boy competition and I was all like, Heck Yeah so I overpowered them with my sheer awesome crab, swipe, windmill, turtle, and more windmill moves. So the hemrit crabs morphed into sea slugs and then they filled the room with the word DUH and I was blasted out and then turned into a grape and stepped on by a komodo dragon and the dragon said something random like gaga rar fabuy and said abadaloo and I was then dancing ballet in a tutu in a butterfly farm and that same girl i like came over and beat me up.

Lebron James is better then Kobe?

First things first, overall (as a player) Lebron is better than Kobe, I like Kobe and he is one of my favorite players, so is Lebron, but lets face it Kobe is getting old, he only has maybe a couple more years, they still have the potential to win another championship, but Kobe wont be around for ever. So Lebron James hasn't gotten his ring yet. It still took Kobe a few years to get his ring. It took Jordan a 7 YEARS to get his first ring in Chicago. And yet he is probably the greatest player ever to play. Right now he is better. Lebron is only going to get better.

Does anyone know of an insect that likes to eat mould or mildew?

I was wondering if snails or slugs like to eat it; then I got wondering just what is the natural enemy of it?

How do I clean shave?

I am using a gillette fusion razor. It is brand new. I wet my face with hot water then apply gillette shaving cream. When I shave I still have the dots on my face of the spots of where my facial hair grows. How do I shave so that my face is completely clean shaven.

Marlins Scott Cousins is getting death threats for his slide on Buster Posey. This is ridiculous. People?

I agree 100%. It was a completely legal play, and Cousins even apologized multiple times for the hit despite it being legal. I don't know why Giants fans would stoop to the level of the Dodgers fan that put that Giants fan in the hospital at the beginning of the season.

Rides at alton towers?

i am 12 and going with my best friend she wants to go on all the rides. i am scared of going on big roller costers. what are some smaller ones which are not for little kids.

I have a dell inspiron 545 slim tower pc integrated 256mb graphics.want to upgrade it.any suggestions?


What does a slug line consist of for usernames for sign ins on web sites?

It is needed as a sign in for usernames at web sites. Consisting of letters, numbers, and underscores. Please attach an example of one.

What do you think about this story i made. weird, huh?

It's a really, really rough first draft. If English is your first language, you will need to take a basic language arts course to get anywhere as a writer. There are issues with grammar, word choice and sentence structure. For instance, verb tense should agree throughout your story, unless it is clear that a character is speaking, thinking or fantasizing. Second, who wants to read about what Hugo almost did or couldn't do? If you're going to write about Hugo, tell us what he did and show us through the action what is going on.

Is a 'field trip' to an amusment park at the shore educational or just lazy union slugs running out the clock?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

New to safety razors, what should i buy?

hey, i'm looking into buying myself a safety razor but i'm not sure what to buy. am i better off buying a vintage gillette from the 50s or so on ebay, or should i buy a brand new parker, etc? your help would be greatly appreciated!

Gaming computer help!!!?

Don't get the sandy bridge processor it has DRM built into it and may cause you major problems. Other wise looks good.

Is mongolian food with nothing but noodles and beed high in calories?!?

its one of those places where you gather up all the stuff on a plate and you give it to the guy and he cooks it for you. What the plate consist of is alot of noodles (where it towers pretty high) and beef at the bottom. Does that have alot of calories?

Illuminati getting more noticeable?

I used to be a big conspiracy theorist, but I've grown up and matured and realized that the "Illuminati conspiracy theory" is dumb. But I just re-subscribed to Gamefly after I canceled a few months ago, and I wake up to LA Noire in my mailbox. I started playing right away and noticed something disturbing. To get to the point, the intro to the game is just a camera shifting from scene to scene showing off the city of LA while a man with a deep voice narrates what's going on. One part of the intro shows off a triangle base tower with a picture of an eye inside of a drawn triangle. What I found most disturbing was what the narrator was saying while this was happening, and I quote: "A twentieth century city that will become a model for the world, a city that has no boundaries, that will stretch as far as the eye can see." I also noticed the same symbol in all three Assassin's Creed titles after you complete the game. I noticed it in GTA4. Also Halo Reach has an altered version of the symbol. What's the point of these subliminal messages? Even after noticing all this, I still don't completely believe the theory is true. It could just be the developers messing with us.

Help! Future employer I applied for has stood me up Twice on my interview. Should I contact Corporate?

absoloutly contact corperate any buisness head would deffinately want this info and make sure you tell whomever you talk to about the assistant - sorry for bad english

Can I bring a Vuvuzela to the USA vs Spain friendly?

No, you can't. Not because it's against the FIFA rules but because it's against God's rules of humanity.

How do you open a store in tiny tower?

i have to ipod touch and i cant figure out how to open one of my stores in the game tiny tower. theres a little orange exclamation point at the bottom of the screen and at the top of the store it says "closed" so how can i open it?

Where can i find a non sabot and non rifled 20 ga deer slugs?

i have a mossburgg 500 20 ga brand new first time shooting trying to sight it in riffled barrel and at 50 yards it is hitting about 10" high and my sights are adjusted all the way down i was using sabots

Some spots down there ... what can i do :( ?

i was just trying to remove the hair down there but i saw 3 big spots ,,, i cant use my gillette now becoz it hurts and those spots will bleed ,,, how can i remove the hairs without bleeding ?

First kiss? Soft Lips? HOW to kiss? FUDGE!?

stop picking your lips and use a moderate amount of chapstick so he wont feel like hes kissing a french fry. pucker first then slowly open your mouth to invite him to tongue kiss you. then just follow where his tongue goes. you can suck on his bottom lip or go further when your relationship gets closer. make sure your breath is clean!! dont eat sugar milk cheese garlic onions when you hang out with him cuz u could kiss eventually lol. brush your tongue too

How can I prevent getting acne following a shave?

Yes you should wash your face with acne fighting wash after you shave, than also after that you can dry up your pores and close them by rubbing your face with rubbing alcohol. It may sting, but it works and it's worth it.

Is there a difference?

is the Gillette Venus embrace better than the Gillette Venus Breeze or vice verse, is there no difference?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Logitech z 640 speakers?

If you have the headphones plugged in, the speakers wont work. Also go to the sound manager and make sure everything is set to 5.1, or 2.1 or wtvr the speaker system is. Make sure the actual speaker sound knob is in the on position

How much do Gillette razor blades cost in Denmark?

I am trying to discover the cost of Gillette razor blades in Denmark. I am looking for the prices of Mach 3 turbo and Fusion blades. Can anyone help?

Have your kids ever mistaken the walls for tissue?

He wipes his nose on his shirt. I supply him with ready available tissue and he sets it down and uses his shirt. Ick. I did do a good job of slugs/worms = yucky. He agrees with me there, but he's the first to pick up a bug for a turd of dog crap at the park.

Is using a new clean unused sharp leg shving razor bad for your hair?

I have those disposable Gillette leg shaving razors and i want to use a new unused One to thin the bottom of my hair ... So then will it be bad for my hair ? I intend to do it just once but the razor when u first open it its very sharp and can cut hair easily so it wont tear . So will it be bad if i only do it once ? I want to thin my hair so if its bad for me to use a razor then how can i use my hair cutting scissor to thin the ends of my hair ? No salon for me please >.<

What Game is this, please help?

i used to play this game and it was really good, but now i can't remember it's name and can't seem to find it. i was wondering if anyone could help me. it's in 2d, you play as some kind of snail or slug. it was a puzzle game, kind of like an rpg. you could go to hell but i can't remember how. the was made of flat squares. im sorry i cant remember more, please help if you can.thankyou

Best antiperspirant anyone?

I am currently using a Gillette gel for deodorant though I do have the problem of sweating in my underarm area. I found that Gillette does a good job of eliminating the odor as I don't have BO when I sweat but it doesn't do much in the way of antiperspirant. So I just want your opinion on what is the best antiperspirant, I used to use right guard and I think that worked well so I might try that, I also heard Mega dry is pretty good. So for the problem of excess sweating which is the best?

Creationism & Evolution?

I think it is possible to combine both: Without being overly wordy in this box, these are just thoughts that I've put together and I'm sure other people have thought about this at some point. The fact that humans were the species to evolve to this point of dominance on Earth. Why wasn't it a race of slugs or ants..? Why was it so specific that earth could sustain us and give life You can either think that it was Evolution, chance, adaptation and natural selection or was it the workings of a bigger Creator who created an environment in which we could become the intelligent race that we are today. I think you can have both, if you want...note this isn't in depth what I think...just the general ideas. What do you think..?

Speakers won't go loud?

I have two tower speakers each with a 12 inch sub that have an output of atleast 250 watts each. I have them hooked up to a receiver which outputs 125 watts per channel. Could it be that I need a better receiver with more watts per channel? Or what can I do to have my speakers at full potential? Oh and my speakers are not blown out or anything.

Why does my Acer Aspire T180 desktop beep when plugged in and not power up?

I think that it was unplugged or shorted out while powered on. It won't turn on. The green power light comes on and a red light on top flashes while the tower just beeps at me. Do I need a new power supply or do I need a new computer?

How Do I Get a Beard/Mustache Like This?

Trimmer, or just don't shave for a long *** time, especially at your age, it doesnt usually grow that full.

Christians: Why would a lack of evidence that god does or does not exist lead you to believe?

There is no lack of evidence of God to those who believe. You will not see the evidence because you do not believe.

My husband, sits and smokes, watches tv, eats junk, does'nt excercise, and having a conversation with him is s?

o boring I want to pull my hair out, I don't smoke, I excercise, I eat right and read and learn and he is not interested in any of it, we don't have sex and have'nt for a few years because he has no idea what to do, he wants me to do all the work, so I have no interest, I even get so frustrated out of pure bordeom I call him names, and say things to prompt some action but he just sits and stares at the tv? he does'nt take care of himself so he is sick alot, colds, cough, and he catches me off guard and kisses me quickly to go to work and I wipe my mouth because I get sick from him, I am sick now, I had great credit and he caused us to file for bankrupsty because he gets into debt, I am always doing the right thing and he is a parasitic slug that I despise, any suggestions what to do with this loser?

Is squid and cut up mackerel good bait for catching halibut and shark?

Any other suggestions,jigs, live bait, etc. I'm fishing off the rocks on a pier sort of thing with a tower lighthouse I think in Santa Barbara anything for shark too because I'm going for halibut thresher and leopard sharks manta Ray sting Ray and halibut need help Ty

Boxing is not a mainstream sport nowadays, BUT not a high paid sport either anymore?

I never understood the popularity of boxing in the first place. You can go to jail for even going to chicken fights or dog fights but boxing is glorified. Go figure.

Shaving...types of razors?

As a man, I've tried both the Venus and the Fusion razors. I'm more comfortable with the Fusion (probably because I use it daily on my face) but my girlfriends Venus gave just as close a shave.

GIRLS: Whats the best Gillette Razor you have used,? (closest shave, No razor burn?)?

Im just trying to find a good razor, and i have sensitive legs. im switching from disposables, to a Gillette razors. Suggestions? thanks! :3

Why Does Vista Keep Restarting?

Whenever I turn off my monitor (JUST the monitor, NOT the actual computer tower) and then I turn it back on, it restarts my computer. Why? How do I make it stop? It's really driving me crazy, so please help. It never use to do this.

How come whenever i shave i break out?

really clean your razor after every use and when finished shaving/having the shower use some after shave that hydrates and soothes the skin. Basically shaving is opening up your pores and curt and grime are getting into them

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What is eating my marigold leaves its not slugs or snails?

You could also try just a small lid with some beer in it. It atracts the bugs and kills them. or use a aluminum pie pan with some sliced cucumber and a small amount of water. It sends a small electric shock to the ground and runs away the bugs.

What are must have games for the ds?

like the title says what are awsome games for the ds . something im looking for is something like metal slug

Could there be purple blood?

We have red blood because we use iron. Slugs and Spock have green blood because they use copper. Is there an element that could be used to have purple blood?

Why is it that 9-11 called the day that the world stopped turning?

i know its because the towers fell and because of the pentagon and because flight 19 but why did they pick that saying?

What is a Furry (second life) avatar?

I saw this on a site "Luskwood Creatures" and its $950.. But what exactly is it? Link:

Why are slugs so attracted to cat food?

I've had that problem too. I've got feral cats that I feed. And every fall those slugs come out for a feast. I just sprinkle salt around the dishes and they stay away.

Can you use a verizon phone on the straight talk service?

I dont see why you cant use a verizon phone, since some straight talk phones run off the verizon towers. Let me know your experiences.

Can you wear a Morphsuit to Alton Towers?

sometimes they don't let you in theme parks because it limits visibility, kinda stupid, I got chucked out of chessington word of adventures for wearing one because apparently it was a device to cover my identity so I could steal stuff

I need help remembering a children's book?

My teacher read it to us in Elementary School. It was so good that I went and read the whole series, but I only remember the first book which she read. It was about a twin brother and sister in an adoption centre, no one wants to adopt them. Finally they get adopted by these two old ladies, who they later find out are giant cockroaches or something. They run away into the forest, in the forest a giant slug tries to eat them but the girl takes out her salt and pours it on the slug. After they go to this house and a normal guy is living with his wife who is like half spider half person or something, they want kids but she doesn't want to have to eat him. I think she tries to eat them or something. And at the end it said like" They knew one thing for sure, their adventures had just begun".

Can quantities be equal to each other?

Has anyone actually proven that two quantities can be equal to each other, or is it just accepted as true? If there is a proof, could someone direct me towered it? I'm extremely curious.

Is A Gaming PC With These Specs Worth It ?

umm idk but take a look at this and see how much processing power u need to play ur game and look at the speks n the computer

Is there a passenger train from near gillette wy to near mosscow idaho?

There are no passenger trains in Wyoming, and Sandpoint is the only stop in Idaho. Greyhound is the only way to go.

RHH : Slug(Atmosphere) vs Crooked I?

The only slug I know, is the brown and green slush of my sisters fecies rapidly squirting into my mouth.

What picture would look good in between my Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe picture?

(black and white) i dont want another picture of a person maybe the eiffel tower or something with polka dots/ damask

In the videos of people plane spotting at airports, how do they hear the pilot and towers radio?

when i watch videos of plane spotting, thats when planes take off and land, the people can hear the tower and plane talking. how do they do this? heres an example. you can hear it from 0:00 to 0:06

My computer is shutting down after start up , please help me ,?

my computer is shutting down just after start up , mother board Asus P5N Mx , hard drive Hitachi , processor : intel Core 2 duo , Dvd writer : LG . i had frontech desktop speakers when i attached then to the computer the problem started at that time , i taken them out now . It's not starting at all . i took out the panel on the tower of the computer the motherboard has a green indicator light , have a microtek Ups . please some help me

Starlin Castro underrated?

i really think hes underrated because of his age. He is the best shortstop in the league right now in my eyes. Why? The guy has 13 3 hit games this year, has an incredible on base percentage and bats 3.20. Beside all that, he is very quick and steals bases. I understand many shortstops get higher home runs, slugging percentage and RBIs, but they do not have that consistency castro has. Castro like i said has 13 3 hit games batting 3.20 and his on base percentage is great, meaning he constantly gets on base and is very consistent. People really underlook his reliability at the plate, he is soooo reliable. What do you think? underrated cuz of his age?

Is waxing better than shaving down there?

I shave my self down there and every time i do i always get razor burn the next day. I soak my self in the tub for a while and I' ve even shaved in the direction that my hair grows which don't work for me. Then I' ve tired to shave in the hair growth and up and it failed. So i shaved in the direction of my hair growth and up plus side to side well that failed too. I always pull my skin but it just don't work. And the day after i shave down there my hair will start to come right back with stubbly. Plus i use a good razor with 3 blades or i use the Gillette Mach3 Turbo Razor which is good at getting close but i still get razor burn and all. i use to use soap but no more. I did try shaving cream but no luck there. So i have been using some good thick conditioner that would make me soft down there when i was down but the next day i wouldn't be soft. What is your option do you think i should try to wax down there? I have never do it before so it will be my first time that i have waxed there. Will waxing down there do any damage to the skin down there like waxing eye brows? I need all of the advice i can get.Thanks so much.

Can I bring safety razors (Gillette Venus Breeze) in my carry-on on a plane? Going to Finland from Sweden?

no i very much doubt it as your not allowed to take anything blade like on planes even if they say saftey on it sucks i know

Was Minerva Mcgonagal ever in the Slug Club?

Minerva Mcgonagall is roughly around the same age as Tom Riddle Jr. (Voldemort) so she could have been in the club.

Your opinions if you please..... =)?

It sounds pretty good so far :) If it had a main plot, it could be pretty awesome! Lovely description! I can't really... make an opinion, seeing as there isn't much of a story, but from what I've read, it seems pretty interesting- If you wanted to try writing a book, or something of that sort, I reckon you should go ahead (: Good Luck xD

Free printout coupons for Gillette Venus Embrace at CVS?

Couldn't find a printable one for you but according to the web site below there should be one in the Sunday paper on June 5th. Sometimes these are regional and may not appear in the paper you get.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wi-Fi with computer put not ipod?

My lab top runs on Wi-Fi from my home router, but I can't get it on my ipod. My ipod shows the check mark and a good signal, but there is also a lock logo by the signal tower thing. I was just wondering how I would get it to work, so I could use the internet on my ipod touch? Thank you:)

When do the U.S. vs. Spain Men's Soccer game friendly tickets @ Gillette Stadium go on sale?

The Game is scheduled for June 4th but I can't find anywhere when the tickets are going to go on sale.

Why does Gillette after shave gel burn my face after using it?

I used Gillette after shaved gel today. and about a minute with it being on my face it started burning really bad. so i washed it off and it stopped, is it supposed to burn?

Can someone thoroughly explain why updating roaming is important on a cell phone?

I know it has something to do with local towers, but I don't understand what it does. Please explain? (:

What skyscraper in Chicago is fairly dark at night but has a top floor with a glowing pink/purple floor?

Visited Chicago with a friend and while we were downtown we spotted a tower that was wasn't very lit up for most of the floors, but the top floor or near the top was completely lit up with a pinkish purple light.

Best way to prevent irritation from shaving?

Try using baby shampoo or bodywash. It's a lot more sensitive on your skin. Just make sure you use a lot.

Excessive sweat in the armpits.?

I am a 28 year old male. I used to use Right guard, old spice etc.. Ive tried Gillette and Degree clinical also used Certain Dri. None of these products work. I dont wanna see a doctor due to money situation. What have you tried if you have had the same problem as me. Could it be i don't drink enough water? maybe 8 oz a day including food intake. Thanks.

Where can i get checked out by an Obgyn in Gillette, Wy?

Well, my husband and i have been trying to conceive for a bout a year and a half now and every single little method the internet can give isn't working, so now i would like to go to an Obgyn to see if maybe something is wrong with me. Thanks.

This is Sparta and I Feel like Punching Something I'm so Mad?

Okay so I am PISSED at my grandparents! My grandma like hates us or something and same with my grandpa! To start, a while back I was stuck and their house right after my tonsils were taken out (I was stuck there cause of a family emergency) and I was supposed to be bed ridden for two weeks. My grandma called me a fricking SLUG for lying in bed!!!! I was soooooo mad I was tempted to scream "okay fine I'll jump around like a crazy maniac and end up in the ER bleeding to death because my scabs will fall off and I'll be dead and it'll be your fault!!!!! Plus, it'll ruin your perfect little rug that care about more than me so HA!!!!!" but I didn't instead I just ignored her and stuffed my head under a blanket and cried and cussed. They kept on trying to get me to go to school and jump around like I DIDN'T just have surgery!!! I am really mad and I need help because this weekend I am supposed to have a cookout with them but I really don't wanna and neither does my little sister (she's mad because my grandma said she has no manners when she says please and thank you all the time but ironically, my grandma NEVER says please or thank you). I really need help with this one. And please don't say I'm a 'cry baby' because there are so many more reasons to be FURIOUS with them (they yell a lot, are stuck up, brag about my bratty cousins like they're better than us, tell us to put our dog to sleep, butt into our business, etc.). Also, if I don't get help I might end up punching and breaking something the moment they make me up set so please please help and thank you very much!

How should I properly shave my pubic hair?

I'm 14 years old, and it seems like every time I'm in the shower shaving I end up cutting the spot above my penis and sometimes even my penis. It can be very painful and I want to avoid further cuts at all costs. How should I go about properly shaving? By the way, I use a Gillette razor and Gillette shaving cream if that makes a difference in your response. Thank-you!

My girlfriend doesn't like touching me?

I have been with my girlfriend for 2 years now. We have the best relationship in the world. We are best friends. However, she doesn't touch me. She HATES pda so she will slug me off if I try to hold her hand or touch her in public. We don't have sex that often anymore. She doesn't cuddle (which I love). She is the best thing in the world and I would do anything for her. However, I am starting to feel that I have been looking at other girls and wondering what other girls would be like in a relationship. I don't want to feel that way but it's so hard because part of being a human is wanting that physical touch. We have talked about this a lot. I don't know if anything will change. I hope it does because she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I guess the biggest fear of mine is that I am going to fall out of love with her :( I am so scared. I don't know what to do. (P.S I am a lesbian)

What kind of 650 / 750 / 850 watt PSU to buy for my pc?

I have an HP Pavilion a6712f Desktop PC, and I'm thinking of buying an new PSU. I'm not sure what kind of PSU is compatible with my computer and what to buy, either 650 / 750 / 850 watt PSU. I'm also not sure if one of the three PSU will fit my computer tower.

Supported Screen Resolution?

I need to know if the "AMD Radeon HD 6310 graphics" supports 1920x1080p screen resolution? I am looking at getting a tower, and this is the on board graphics chip. I have a HP 2210m monitor that I have had for a year, and want to continue to use the 1920x1080 resolution.

What do i do about an unexpected object in my kingsmill loaf?

Ring customer services and ask for complaints and report a foreign object in the loaf, keep hold of any receipt or proof of purchase and do not discard the item you have found and keep it sealed in something like a sandwich bag for now, I for one would be disgusted with it and would demand a settlement. Im sure they have some explanation for what it might be. hope this helps, the careline number for them is 0800 197 0110

What do i do about an unexpected object in my kingsmill loaf?

Keep the unexpected object and the loaf, phone up kingsmill and complain again. They will probably as for the batch code of the loaf and you might have to mail the object and loaf to them. :)

Movie that i cant remeber?

when i was lil i watched this movie i remeber bits and pieces but its about these slug type things i think there slugs and it attacks ppl and kills them and with each person killed it grows bigger but theres this boy who is strange he never talked and i rember him always carrying a lunch box when him and the slug meet the boy turns into this yellowish alien and attacks the slug thing and they explode does anybody remeber this movie if u do plz help me with its name its not a old movie maybe made in the last 20 yrs thank you.

Is my beard sin? Does this mean that Gillette is my priest?

I have noticed that whenever I look at gay donkey porn, my beard tends to grow. Is this sin accumulating on my face? Also, does it mean God hates me when my vagina bleeds?

Worth it to get PowerMac G5?

For $250, it's worth it. If you want a desktop, it'll be a good computer to have if your macbook's monitor is small and you want the convenience of a desktop.

What to feed a baby black hills redbelly snake?

its head is realy small so it whon't be able to eat a pinke mouse. do u feed it crekets, slugs or something else

Warcraft 3 reign of chaos battlenet mini games what happend?

there used to be like a tower defense one and the sheep and hunter and a bunch of others i lost my game and i just got a new one but the mini games for aren'tt there what happend

Is Gillette really the best a man can get?

I use walmart own products Because they are much cheaper & i think they're super, so in these hard times is Gillette really the best a man can get

Why do I smell every single day of my life?

Most likely it is your diet Certain foods can really effect people. Medications and supplements can also play a role. Also try Dry Idea roll on antiperspirant deodorant.

For a girl i like these names.....wdyt?

For some reason I think the O sounding names Willow and Harlow, sound best! Also Rylee, but maybe consider Riley, unless if you don't the constant double letter presences. The Y can be distracting. But these are all very good choices :] although I've rarely heard of Genesis. Others: Michaela (mykaila), Anna, Serena (serina), Lucy for short/ Lucinne, Erica/ Erika. Good luck!

How can i kill greenfly?

I am growing lettuce i hanging bags to keep away from slugs,they are coming on really well.When I was watering them earlier I noticed greenfly on them how can I get rid without using nasty chemicals!

First time shaving? HelP?

I recommend using a shave gel. It foams up and then you shave by going against the way that the hairs are growing. This gives you a closer shave. Lighten up the pressure when you go around bony places like your ankels and knees.

There's a slug in my pill bug habitat. Is it a danger to my isopods or can I leave it in there?

Simple as that. I noticed a slug in the tank this morning, it must have come in on some wood I put in there for them. I want to know if it will eat them.

Monday, July 18, 2011

I have all of the outlet spots of a power strip filled and then some? Is this safe?

You know a power strip that allows you to plug multiple outlet plugs into it to power multiple electrical appliances.The power strip itself is attached to an extension chord that is plugged into a wall outlet. The six appliances that occupy the six outlet plugs are my computer (tower), my monitor, computer speakers, power plug for modem/router, then I switch off one of the outlets between a lamp and printer (I have ran out of outlets so this is how I use both). The last outlet on this power strip is occupied with another extension chord which is attached to yet another power strip. On this other strip, I have a 36 inch flat screen t.v. plugged in, an alarm clock, a DVD player, and a 120 watt guitar amp (I don't always have the guitar amp on obviously but when I do I don't remove any plug). I hope you have already guessed that in this room there are no wall outlets, which is of course why I do all of this. I guess I'm trying to ask, IS THIS SAFE! I actually really think about it when I'm switching the one plug between my lamp and printer (don't want to get shocked), or when I'm playing my guitar (afraid of damage to amp). IS THIS SAFE TO ME AND MY APPLIANCES!!! Please help. Thanks!

How can I meet Taylor Swift at a concert?

I'm going to a Taylor Swift concert this June at Gillette Stadium. I want to meet her sooooo badly. I know that she loves all of her fans, and that she does a lot of meet and greets. Is there anyone who knows where to go at Gillette Stadium where she would be? All I want is a picture with her and maybe an autograph. It would mean so much to me, so thanks for any help!!!

Stop slugs in my living room?

I live in an old rented house, my garden is just a yard so I'm not sure why or where they are getting in. I find them every night in my front room so I put salt all around the skirting boards. Now they are in my bathroom! It looked like it was oozing its way out from under the bath! They seem to like a particular corner where I have a chest of drawers?! There is no food anywhere in my house for them that I can think of, no pot plants or vegetable peelings.

What has eaten my tree alive?

I used to have a 20ft beautiful tree in my garden,it's dying right now. What I see is worm/slug looking critters,many many of them. They are grayish in color with faint black stripes across their backs and milky colored undersides. The largest I saw was 1/4" long and 1/16" wide.They hang on tight to the leaf and eat it down to nothing but the skeletal remains. The leaf remains are left with a dark brown sandy, seedy, type residue or deposit stuck in them. I need to ID these creatures fast because they are incredibly quick eaters, and I,m afraid they are going to devourer my entire garden before I even figure out what they are. So thanks everyone for your help!

Creative ideas for a new kind of species of animal? :)?

A ladyfly...a lady bug mixed with a has the body of the ladybug and the wings of a has red,spotted wings...

My boyfriend and i are having trouble coming up with a first name for a little girl, we do not know the sex?

Even if the baby has your last name, as long as he is listed on the BC he has rights, legally. Now if he isn't listed, even if the baby has his last name, he has no parental rights. Personally, I think that the father should be on the BC if the father is known. Give him a chance to be a dad. If something happens, then it happens, I think the baby should still know who is father is. Also, if you wanted to go for child support, if he isn't listed then you have a extra step of DNA testing. As far as girl names, I love the name Ella. I also really like Skylar. It depends on what sort of name you like, do you like traditional names like Jessica or Sarah, or do you like something uncommon but not too out there, or do you like really unique names. Good luck!

What are the most know Earth Monuments and famous places?

The first ones that come to mind for me are England's Big Ben, France's Eiffel Tower, Italy's Colosseum, America's Statue of Liberty and Australia's Sydney Opera House.

How long can use a razor?

Ok so I'm 14 and I have not asked to shave my legs yet, but my brother turned 18 and Gillette sent my brother this free razor and he never even used it, it was just in the box and so I took it and started shaving my legs, and I did that in December and I use it like 1 or 2 times a month because I'm afraid the blades are going to become dull. The razor still works and it shaved my legs fine. How long can you usually use one of these?

What was the internet game where you make political decisions and towers would either shrink or rise?

By game I mean ONLINE AND FREE, like addicting But I click on an ad or something and came upon it. Played it for hours. But I forgot the name. Plus, you would have to choose 3 badges that you would like to earn, and well you would earn them if you succeeded in reaching your goals. I know it sounds lame, but it's quite fun.

Can you play psp games on ps3?

just wondering because i think heard you could do that and i need to know so i could find out if i could play metal slug xx and neo geo heroes without having to buy a psp

Shaved for the first time using a razor?

Yeah, what you should do is use a pair of scissors to cut the hair as short as you can with them and then lather up and shave. You'll find it's a breeze when you do it this way.

Name for male grooming product.?

I am working on a college project creating a challenger brand for Gillette. My brand has more of a metrosexual style to it and is all about looking after your skin and looking good. I am struggling to come up with name and would appreciate any help you can give. Thank you.

How to not live under a rock?

Don't live next to a sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Haha I'm sorry but experiment... You are a fishermen, cast your nets far and wide and talk to everyone, get a job make more friends with same hobbies, play amateur sports, Just experiment!

HELP! How do I get noticed at Taylor Swift? Best Answer will be chosen easily.?

i'm going to her concert another day and im trying to do the same things! my friend and i are getting there kinda early, making tons of signs, cheering like crazy, wearing bright clothes to make you stick out! glow sticks, neon paint, think outside the box! write things like "WE <3 TAYLOR" and write the names of her songs and lyrics from them! dont forget to have fun tho, dont waste the concert just trying to be noticed! good luck!

My daughter had me in tears yesterday and I had her in tears. We are in the middle of a storm. I have been pra?

My daughter had me in tears yesterday and I had her in tears. We are in the middle of a storm. I have been praying but feel like nothing is happening. I don't know what to expect daily. I've changed so much (for the better) and it's like the enemy is using her, she's a weak link in my life who doesn't read her Bible, pray? I don't know and barely pays attention in church, but he's using her to twist a knife in my chest. I don't want the old me who might put her out, cuss her out or slug her, to come out, but its getting hard!

Scottish and French name suggestions for boy and girl?

Both mine and my boyfriends last names are of "Old French" origins. I like beautiful unique names for a girl, and something adorable for a boy but something that wont get him made fun of later on in life. Im open to any other name suggestions as well, please throw in some B, S, and G first letter names. We need help on both First and Middle names. Babies last name will be Gillette. (Btw, I use my mother's maiden name because I am not to fond of my biological father)

For a boy i like.....wdyt?

Lyric is a feminine only name. Bentley is a car. Brennan is quite nice. Easton is okay. Ryder is a brand of moving trucks. Keiran is overdone. Cade is cute. Roman? Are you Italian? Gage is getting overused. Jace Gillette is almost impossible to say quickly three times in a row. Brennan Cade Gillette sounds very handsome. ~ ~ ~

Is there an universal choke for a remington 870?

one that will shoot slugs and birdshot, buckshot bolo rounds ect. without having to change the choke out?

What color stripes were on the mast on top of the North Tower of the WTC?

I know it seems like a silly question but so many pictures that I have seen of it it appears black or a like a really deep red usually during sunsets. I never really got a good look it it. I thought that I would just be able to go there one day and see for myself.

IPod Touch App update won't show up in 'Updates' in App Store.?

So here's the thing...there's an app called 'Tiny Tower' I WANT to play it. But however the update isn't showing up in my 'Updates' tab in the 'App Store', and I've plugged it into my iTunes I have the latest iTunes blah blah showed up once before. And I was about to do it, but then something happened and I don't even remember what happened it was there and everything and now it's gone. I'm really peaved off!! PLOIZE help me!! I'm gunna throw this thing out the window!!!

For all you Dallas fans and Heat haters?

a href=""…/a

Is there a way to get rid of slugs?

Since we moved into our home 18 months ago, we keep getting slugs coming out at night. We have a couple in the kitchen and then the odd one in the hallway. We did try and put pellets down but now my little boy is walking i cant risk puting stuff like that down. Is there a natural way to get rid of slugs to put them off coming through the house? They seem to be getting bigger too!!! Help!

Why are Fathers so well, 'disciplining'?

Your brother hitting his girlfriend isn't considered "discipline" it's considered abuse. You don't "discipline" your SO.

How to shave so it wouldn't turn out like this!?

You should consider switching to a electric shaver. Not only is it faster, but you wouldn't need all of those extra products to get a smooth shave. The problem you have may be your skin reacting not just to the aftershave or cologne but it could be reacting to the shaving cream as well.

Shaved first time using razor? Down there?

You'll be fine. You're not in for any torture. Though one should shave with the grain, sometimes you just have to go against the grain to get a close shave. And now that you've done it once, keeping it maintained should be much easier. Just shave again once you feel like you need it. Probably once a week. And apply some moisturizer to lessen itching or irritation.

So, i'm bored. question time?

Castor oil is nothing but another vegetable oil. While it does a wonderful job to moisturize, it does not stimulate hair growth.

Are there any poisonous slugs in oregon?

I stepped on a slug earlier, and was just curious if they were poisionous. It was an inch or two long, black, with yellowish spots.

Regular Razor or Eletric Razor?

If you reuse a razor until it gets dull (like I do) It might be a good idea to disinfect it with rubbing alcohol before each use. I just don't like electric shavers, I consider them a waste of money. I use Gillette "Good News" disposables. They work good and don't cost much.

How to make bitizens?

there is an ipod or iphone app called tiny tower. the people that populate this world are called bitizens. i was wondering if there is any sites or blogs or just anything as to how to make these people in paint perhaps.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What are the names for these fears?

The only one I know is the fear of feeling guilty - Guilt Complex. I don't have any of the other fears.

Do most Americans really think that all guns are band in the UK?

Don't know and don't care what's happening in the uk. Why is it that you brits assume that we have an interest in your affairs when we don't? You dudes so obsess over us and it's getting embarassing lol!

Does Nate Robinson feel relieved now?

a href=""…/a

Why did osama want to attack on twin towers ?

He wanted to kill thousands of innocent people. He went to the Twin Towers because it was a big target area. You can find movies and books about the attack for move info. You can go online for more info about it.

What are cameras with detachable lenses?

Gillette stadium says all video cameras are prohibited, except for cameras with detachable lenses... I just have a regular Sony cybershot camera, will that be allowed?

Want to know the best underground rap?

Only answer if you know some real good ones or the artists. Im looking for something like atmosphere- scapegoat or slug and murs- woman tonight. Somewhere long those lines

Is this a good rap about my hard life?

HOLY ****!! dude...i always hear"what do you think of my rap." But this...Its a masterpiece. First few lines and I was damn this guy is good. You are amazing. no homo. dude u need to start rapping fool damn!

Facial Shaving Question??????

Hi, I'm 18 and I've been shaving my facial hair for a while. I use the Gillette Fusion Pro Glide with Gillette shaving gel. Every time I shave I always end up having irritation. My face gets sensitive and it feels like it's stinging. It lasts for about a day. I'm shaving in the right direction and following all the standard steps. I don't understand how other men don't have irritation when they shave. Any suggestions????

What are the best Gillette products for all body parts?

the 5 blade gilette [i believe its the fusion??] is the best for me.. i shave everything with it and it takes much longer to become dull than other razors..

I need some computer upgrade suggestions?

Your CPUs are fine. Put the maximum amount of RAM your motherboard will support in the PC. If possible, upgrade your video card too. But why would you want to use a PC from 2001 for gaming? This thing is ancient. A machine with 256 MB is really old, you might have a hard time trying to find more RAM for it. And other upgrade components for that matter. Computers are not like cars, you can't really upgrade a 10-year-old machine and see a huge increase in performance without replacing just about everything. Technology has changed too much in the past 10 years. Newer games perform a lot better on newer hardware. If you don't want to build your own gaming machine (which are the best), then invest in a new computer, and use this old Dell for basic computer tasks, like surfing the Web and word processing, or old PC games from this era (late '90s-early 00s)

How do you get rid of razor burn?

Recently I shaved my legs and I got really bad razor burn. My skin is really sensitive and I used a cheap disposable Gillette razor. The razor burn REALLY hurts and stings. I don't know how to cure it! Does anyone know how to cure razor burn?

Liverpool fans do you think ............................?

They were talking about this in Soccer Saturday a couple of weeks ago and they were saying that Roy isn't cut out to manage big teams like Liverpool. This is because with big teams you can't have a poor away record with big clubs. With Fulham it was alright because they wanted a top 10 finish and wining 5 or 6 away games out of 18 with clubs like Fulham is ok but when you manage big clubs that isn't good enough if they are looking for a top 4 finish. I think his a good manager but i would have to agree with the Soccer saturday panel that he should stick with small clubs.

If William Lane Craig and Richard Dawkins slugged it out on Jerry Springer, who would win?

Craig. Dawkins has more humility and knows that it would reduce his image to act out. However, I wouldn't complain if somebody gave that guy a slug or two.

Best ways to stop major sweating?

I have tried several antipersperants, deoderants, and combos including old spice, gillette, and axe, yet i still sweat so much no matter how much i put on, can items such as baby powder help reduce sweating?

UK shaving equipment help please?

Search from beard trimmer, not razor. They have attachments and settings that allow to decided how close you want your shave to be.

Missing Person. How to get last cell tower ping from Verizon?

We are looking for a missing person and I am wondering if anyone knows how we can get information on the last cell tower ping that her phone had before running out of battery a week ago.

Shaving my legs with Gillette shaving cream?

This may be a dumb question but it ok for me to shave my legs w/ gillete shaving cream? I don't have time to run to the store and get something else.

Why is my shaving gel not coming out of the can?

Okay so recently I bought the Gillette Satin Care Shaving Gel and I was about to use it so I pressed the button thingo but little to nothing is coming out. I'm sure there is something inside because it feels slightly heavy and it is brand new. I've been trying to use it in the shower before I shave but why isn't it coming out? I've tried shaking it and still nothing comes out. What should I do?

I love roller coasters, why am I scared of flat rides?

I know, for most people it's the other way around. And I don't get motion sickness. I will go on any roller coaster, but I have to really think before going on a flat ride. I went to Kings Dominion and rode the Intimidator 305, but then it was really embarassing because I wouldn't go on the Drop Tower, Berserker, or Crypt. I will say to my friends, "I will ride any roller coaster, it's the flat rides that I'm not so sure about." Then they will look at me like I'm crazy. So why am I like this and what do I do about it?

My Slayer task on RuneScape is 51 Rock Slugs, where do I go and what do I need?

I would like to know the armour exactly, I have Rune and Dragon Hide only (Green). I would like to know the weapons. And what food to bring, I have 400 Rock Tail if that's good. I would like to know where they are. And what I need to kill them, thanks :)

Can rifled slugs be put in an over/under?

my dad and i are having a debate for when i get my shotgun i looked for slugs you can put in smoothbores which he didnt belive so i showed him but he dosent belive that you can put them in an over/under is he right or can they be loaded into one pesonally i dont see the difference between putting them in an over/under and a single barreled shotgun but if there is one let me know

I need a good anti-perspirant deodorant… any recommendations?

I currently use Gillette Clear Gel and it does mark Anti-perspirant but it’s not helping, I work in a bank and I perspire under my right arm so much it actually soaks through my inner t-shirt and my shirt and apart from the embarrassment of a sweat stain on my shirt whole day it’s very uncomfortable… I would greatly appreciate your advice…

Why is there this attitude out there that Christians should keep their beliefs to themselves?

I think that people should respect that not everyone feels the way that they do on a given topic. Especially in the matter of religion, it's hard to change the mind of someone and often the talking about it comes off as lecture rather than edification.

Should I bring a prop, if any, to my Senior Portraits?

I would bring all the props that you LOVE! You want your senior pictures to reflect who you are right now today, and props are a major part of that. I think having props makes the pictures more personal and in 20 years when you look back at them you'll be able to remember more clearly who you were in highschool.

How can I stop sweating or smelling? Like what deodorant is the best?

I always sweat, from my pits. I have no idea why.My parents won't take me to a doctor, I don't know why. Old Spice doesent work for me gillette doesent and tom's havent tried but am scared to because i heard it makes you smell worse. I'm using Mitchum, it does alright but I still sweat alot. Yes, I shower all the time, I'm always clean, just my pits perspirate alot. I guess my moms considering it now, haha I just asked her. But its affecting my social life. I mean I still party and stuff. I'm 17 and its been going on for about like 4 years. Please give me tips on what to do, or what deodorant or anti-perspirant to use because I've tried most of them. I don't want to sweat at all unless I do physical activity. If i dont sweat, i wont smell, so i really need something to stop me from sweating.Please help, I'm becoming sad about this.

I create new shaving ((razor))as Gillette product But...?

Hello,I need your help please,I did create new shaving Razor ,But the product it's not done because I draw it on paper only,I need to know who can help me to make this product real,Is there any company do your product here in USA?? please any idea or information that help me ..Thank you very much for your time...

Whats the best Razor?

I am 16 and tired of the cheap 12 pack razors. I want to buy one for around 20$ cartridges included. I saw the new Gillette Fusion proglide power. I just want to know what you guys use and like. And if the Power ones are worth the extra money for the cartridges. thanks!

What can I do to stop red bumps after shaving and less haris being pulled? What razor should I use?

I just shaved and I had a lot of pulled hairs. After I shaved I had a lot of red bumps in my pubic area. Is there something I can do to stop the red bumps or anything I could put on it? I use a gillette fushion razor and it doesn't seems like its not doing the job. Is there any razors or shaving creams you prefere I should try for better shaving. Please help, because I don't really want to have to show my girl this this weekend.

Why the officers of corporations concerned about fluctuations in the prices of their corporation's stock on?

when they are not selling new issues, those who sell BellAtlantic, Gillette, and Sears Roebuck stocks on the New York Stock Exchange do not add new funds to these companies. Why, then are the officers of these corporations concerned about fluctuations in the prices of their corporation's stock sold on the exchange?

My brother's face is very sensitive when he shaves so much that it hurts to shave. What can he do?

He is 18 and his face is sensitive. He has acne and even using face wash with microbeads irritate his face. Shaving is a problem for him. When he shaves his face hurts and burns but not extreme or anything for that day. He also gets fine pimples the next day. What can he do? Is there any product I can buy for him when i go shopping to help? He uses Gillette Mach 3 shaver.

I have these tixs from Gillette stadium and it says red level suite section R30 where are the seatings?

are the seats front row seat are they good seats (like wonderful seats)?! please give more info. if you want

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mission Space at Epcot in Disney World?

So, I will be going to Disney again soon and I have never been on this ride. I know there are two different versions, and the "green" one is less intense and doesn't have spinning or G-forces. The "orange" is more intense and makes it really feel like you're taking off in a rocket. I'm sure I'd be fine on the green one, but I don't know about the orange. It sounds cool but I'd be a little nervous about going on it. I've heard some people say it's really fun, but I've heard some really bad things too, like some people said it made them so sick that they had to go back to their hotels for the rest of the day. And apparently there are vomit bags too. So I'm wondering whether or not I'd be able to handle the orange. I went on the Tower of Terror the last time I was there, and I liked it, but I did feel SLIGHTLY queasy after I got off. But it was nothing bad, I just sat down for a minute and then got right up and was able to eat lunch. lol. I also live near the Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama and have been on the rides there. There's this one called "The G-Force" where you're in a circular room and basically strapped into this thing on the wall, and you start out standing up and then it lifts you off the ground and it just spins really fast. I'm able to handle that just fine, but I don't know if it would compare to Mission Space.

Is it bad to shave this way? When should i get a new razor?

yes you should use shaving cream or your face gonna look like it is on fire after shaving because of the fiction made by the blade causing irritation on your face you will know because the blade will start pulling on your hair and not cutting them throw aways are cheap too begin with so why not get a good one and save time and money

Which pc specs are better performance wise?

The 1st one. It has a better processor, video card and a bigger HDD. If you are looking for a gaming pc then the 1st one should be your choice

What could be used on an island to make it self sufficient?

You do realize that there are actually people living in island nations that sustain themselves without electricity in this day and age. Towns and villages thrived without modern equipment too. I seem to remember reading about entire empires that dominated most of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East that did quite well without electricity so do you believe that this would be one of the main concerns of the few remaining survivors from a zombie takeover? I only ask because anyone caught in a survival situation won't be worrying about electricity as a priority. Water, shelter, food, and companionship are all basic needs, your ipod isn't. Sorry, I am a realist but I guess your novel is about zombies so realism isn't the focus. I would aim for a more primative living scenario using water wheels and windmills for things like irrigation and milling. Maybe eventually infrastructer and electricity would emerge but the transition from modern life to island isolation will be much more believable if you focus on the basics of human perseverence. I can imagine people sailing to the mainland (risking being eaten) to gather critical items like medications, basic tools, or maybe radios and batteries for communication but not to gather miles of wiring and computer components. Plus what the heck is going to be on the tube anyway, are the zombies going to start broadcasting the "Zombie Jersey Shore?" Just my two cents. Good luck with the story.

Why Were The Twin Towers Attacked On 9/11?

Why On That Date? Why The Towers? The Pentagon? Which People Were Behind it?Ring Leader? Why Attack America? Sears Tower Attack Coming?

First time Shaving : Stubs of hair always left over after shaving?

Aftershave is not necessary, it's just perfume. Buy some King of Shaves shaving lotion, and READ the instructions.

How is my build and what should I charge for it?

I think that considering what your computer is capable of, that you could easily charge over $18,000. This is for graphic design, 3D rendering and video editing, I presume. I recommend that you add in a sound card anyway. Doesn't have to be super top notch, but a sound card will greatly benefit anyone who needs to hear sound on the workstation, especially people who are doing sound editing and video editing.

For guys that have an office job or any that requires them to be clean-shaven everyday! Read description!?

Try shaving AFTER your shower or even IN the shower using a shower mirror. Make sure your razor is sharp and use a good quality shaving cream or a gel. Go more slowly to avoid cuts. You can pick up a styptic pencil to stop bleeding of occasional nicks. Moisturize after shaving to quicken healing. As long as your face ends up SMOOTH, then it doesn't matter that there's still some sign of your beard. That happen with some guys with very dark, course beards.

I am seeking any Best online book store?

Hi, I am looking the best Online Book Store from where can I purchase "The Last man in Tower" Written by 'Arvind Adiga'? Can anyone tell me Best online Store for it where I can get maximum Discount?

Are American KO brawling/slugging style fighting almost extinct?

The likes of Marvin Hagler, Mike Tyson, Aaron Pryor, Tommy Hearns, are now all gone! Are there any other American boxers with the KO artistry and brawling and slugging type that gives excitement to fans?

Should i get a Cooler Master or the Raven 3?

Basically what Blah B said. Haf 932 is a great case. I'm getting the HAF X myself though. Just read the reviews from Newegg or the link Blah B posted. Newegg also usually has deals on it all the time.

Shaving for black people?

well since your skin is sensative then most likely since i have sesative skin nickle makes me break out no matter where i shave and soo when ever i do anything to my face i use edgers ( type of clippers)

Do you guys realize that many of the problems you have with the bible are a result of bad translations?

I realize that. I didn't know the Hebrew Bible authors were teenage girls, though, with all of that ~~~ everywhere.

How do use the gameboy tower in pokemon stadium?

I know I can just play pokemon red on my gameboy but I just wanna try the gameboy tower or whatever on pokemon stadium. (pkmn stadium for the N64) but hoow do I do it? like how to put the game pak in? (btw,the game pak is the cardrige for the game right...?)

Who else thinks it's a total joke that major league ballplayers are aloud to take "Paternity Leave" for up to?

Heck, it's not like baseball players are real athletes anyway. Let the sissies go home and change diapers...

Why are so many whites scared of blacks?

Blacks are just people. They bleed the same and just as easy too. And like all people, they can't withstand continual blunt force trauma if you were to hit one as a result of them bullying you. And that goes for everyone. Are there any whites here who have stories of going to all black schools or being around predominately blacks? I think a white kid who holds his head up high, walks with confidence and a "f*cking try me" attitude, but never starts trouble, I think the colored kids will be less likely to take him/her as a lil b*tch. If anyone puts a hand on you, you have the right to slug the sh*t outta them. That goes for everyone. White kids with confidence is more intimidating I believe. Anyone. Anyone. Oh anyone ay all!

I got slugs in my hair?

i was in the woods and i layed down and there is pices of a slug in my hair. how do i get slugs out of my hair?

How do the sandbar tickets work at gillette stadium?

Going to Kenny in August and my ticket says SBL1, row GA9, and then 2 it free standing, do you sit?

What is the average slugging percentage and salary in MLB?

Long after it was first invented, slugging percentage gained new significance when baseball analysts realized that it combined with on-base percentage (OBP) to form a very good measure of a player's overall offensive production (in fact, OBP + SLG was originally referred to as "production" by baseball writer and statistician Bill James). A predecessor metric was developed by Branch Rickey in 1954. Rickey, in Life magazine, suggested that combining OBP with what he called "extra base power" (EBP) would give a better indicator of player performance than typical Triple Crown stats. EBP was a predecessor to slugging percentage.

Poll: I just gouged my ankle with a new razor; is there anything you'd like to say before I bleed to death?

we are going to need to select a new ruler now, or this kingdom will surly be left in chaos and stuff... I nominate your ghost, as long as it is the friendly, piano-playing type of poltergeist and not the door-slamming kind

Gillette stadium question?! Please help :(?

Yeah, I don't think it'll be a problem because if you go on, some of the tickets from the Spain fan section and 'general fan section' are in the same section. I have 'general fan section' tickets too, but I'm rooting for Spain and I'm gonna wear my Torres shirt. I think there will be others rooting for Spain too in the general fan sections. Hope this helps.

Alton Towers question?

16+ is adult, however from experience I know that normally they don't really ask so hopefully you should be fine. Good Luck and I hope you have lots of fun at Alton Towers. :D

What is the best antiperspirant to use?

I've used axe, gillette clinical strength, power stick, and old spice. None of them worked, and I sweat A LOT. Which should I try? I'd like to find something that works before its too hot for long sleeves lol.

IPod help? Pleasee help me!!!!!!!?

okay well i was walking and i accidently slug it out of my hand and it went diving/flying into the gravels and now its all busted up and stuff.. is there anyway i can hide the scratches somehow ??? or fix it!?!? please help it costed a lot of money and my moms pissed and so am i .. :( its a bran new ipod touch 4g,

Switching from laptop to external display?

I have a new HP laptop running windows 7, my tower was damaged and I have a beautiful wide screen monitor that I want to use. My question is, how do you watch a movie on the widescreen monitor and use the laptop for something else??? This has been making me nuts. I have gone into display options and the only choices I have are extend or duplicate? Anyone know how to do this? I hit detect and identify and it does nothing. Have also done right click on desktop, also gone into Catalyst Control Center and just can't get this to work. It mirrors and extends, that's it! And why doesnt the PC recognize the monitor? Thanks in advance.

Shaving with soap rather than shaving cream?

Im a 16 year old and right now im using Gillette shaving cream, and im running low on it. I heard if you use soap and take your time, your gonna have like the best shave ever, so i was wondering do you just use any type of soap or is there a special type you use, and if there is were can you get it. And the brush you put it on with were can you get that.

Anyone else's achievements stuck on Tiny Tower?

I've never cheated on the game but I've played the game while offline. Even after yesterdays update, my achievements are stuck at 92 or 93% even when I have over 13 floors and over 15 bitzens. Anyone have this problems as well?

Taylor Swift Shirt Ideas?

Put a photo of Chet Atkins on the shirt and the caption "this is the man who signed that guitar Jake Gyllenhaal bought you."

About using the word "tower"?

question regaridng words. First i'll describe the context. I am chattig with my friend on Facebook right now, i asked if i can call her anytime during the week. I am only able to call her if she's at work because thats the only time her cell can have signal. So i asked when she is working next. Then she said her area has had storms the past days and here's a quote from her...the storm "hit the cell towers." Now let me ask, is t"tower" another word used in that context? This is the first time i heard it used in that sense and i cannot tell if she was just using the next word that seems synonymous to the context of if "tower" is defined in that way which i never heard of. I just like learning of new way to use words, so tell me if this is just relative to her or what.

Why are my legs really itchy after shaving?

My legs get really itchy after I shave them and I can't figure out why. And they stay itchy till I shave them again. I used to use a Gillette Venus razor a few years ago, and my legs got cut up a lot and had little red bumps over them, so my dad gave me a Gillette Fusion razor to see if that helped, since it's for the face. It helped for a bit, but after a while my legs would get itchy again. I've switched back to using a Gillette Venus razor and I change the blade part once or twice a month. I've tried using men's shaving cream, women's shaving cream, unscented soap (I never use scented soap), body wash, shampoo and conditioner. I've tried to only shave once a week to see if that helped, but it didn't and since it's getting warmer, I'll start shaving more often. I've tried waxing (had it done professionally and I've done it myself) which resulted in red, itchy legs for a week. I've never had good results with Nair, I find it doesn't remove the hair very well. I try not to scratch my legs, but sometimes I can't help it and sometimes I've scratched my legs till they bled a bit. I don't know what else to try or what could be causing this.

How did the Slug Bug game start?

As part of the Punch Dub marketing campaign run by Volkswagen, a man named Zachariah Davis was presented as "the guy who made a game out of seeing VWs and punching his friends."[4] This campaign, launched in 2009, claims that the game was started "over 50 years ago." Though provided by the company itself, this history of the game presented in this ad is purely humorous historical fiction created[5] by the ad agency Deutsch Inc.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Do you have to pay an entrance fee for alton towers?

me and my friend are going to alton towers next monday, my mum's taking us but she hates rides. will she have to pay the 30 odd quid fee even if she's not going on any rides, she's just watching us?

Is this system awesome?

Radeon 6990 pwns gtx570, but you said same price so 6970 or 6850 in Xfire, i say radeon since Xfire scales better than SLi

How Old Do You Have To Be To Buy...?

A razor. Not a razor blade but a shaving razor, like a gillette or even those disposable ones? I'll probable just go to wal mart and buy one and I don't want to go there and then have the clerk say I cant buy it.

Do snails and slugs eat mould?

They eat decaying vegetation, and as such do consume some mold. But it is the vegetation they are after. They also eat living vegetation, which is why gardeners don't like them.

Does A cyborg still has feelings? Sektor for Mortal Kombat, he was turn into cyber ninja.?

You are intelligent. It's important to remember that no matter who you are, everyone has feelings, even ninja cyborgs. You are sweet to be concerned. Maybe next time you see him you can treat him as an equal. I hope this helps you in your quest brave one.

What are some fun apps to install onto my Ipod Touch?

I like Tiny Tower and Sunshine Cruise Ship. I love stimulation games where you build those little dream islands and etc. I want it to be free... but if a game is AMAZING and costs, list it.

Is this gun-ammo combo enough to bag a wild hog?

I'm always concerned when I'm around "new shooters" on a hunting trip. Usually wild hogs are not considered dangerous...but any animal can inflict injury. That and for humanitarian reasons you want a quick, clean kill. So if your friend is a new hunter but an experienced shooter that's one thing. If he/she is new at everything, take them shooting at a target range and let them become familiar with guns in general and the shotgun you've selected for them to use in particular. And if you're going to be shooting at running targets, that's a whole different story. Shooting ranges are not the place to learn to shoot running targets (at least none of the ranges I've been to). This takes some planning.

I'm pretty sure i'm in love with someone who has a girlfriend!?

Tell him your feelings and see where it goes from there. I mean he may feel a little awkward but then again if you do not then it will just hurt you to keep it all botteled in. OR you could wait until him and his girlfriend split up and make your move.

Is oblivion at alton towers scary (answers needed) x?

I am going to alton towers mid july and my friend is making me go on oblivion is it scary scary or more of a thrill I NEED ANSWERS XXX

Help us, we like unique cute names. we are having a girl and our last name is Gillette?

If you want a unique name, go foreign. Like Japanese or Russian. For example, my name is Natasha. Also, Izumi, Kaori, Alina, or Cybele. A good way to find unique names would be to look up "female (insert language here) name."

Reaching the snapping point?

I'm a nice guy that doesn't go out of my way to bother people. I'm not shy though, sometimes i'm a bit loud and boisterous. I'll be the first person to tell someone what I think, or help someone out when they need it. But sometimes, I wind up in crappy situations, where someone wants to pick a fight with me. I always ignore it or back down, mostly out of fear of going to jail. I can count probably 3 times within the year where I could've drug out with someone but didn't. I know that it's always better to avoid fights unless someone tries to hurt you, but it's kinda ingrained in guys to respond when your called out. I'm a scary looking guy, and some people think i'm crazy. But I don't look for trouble, and fighting always makes me nervous, as it should because it's messy and dangerous. Just to relieve some of the guilt and feeling of cowardice though, I feel like slugging the next person who calls me out, consequences be dammed. What do you guys think?

First Computer Rig Question?

try getting windows 7 64 bit if you havent 64 bit windows uses the 64 bit processor's full potential and try upgrading to a seagate momentus hyprid hard drive or if you have the money try getting a solid state drive which is 500 dollars for 250 gb's on ebay Solid state drives do not use disks like a hard drive, they use ram chips to store data so you can get bit rates up to 500 MB/s! instead of 100 mb's with hard disks

If you live in the Civic Tower in Portland, how do you like it?

I am thinking about moving in there. The location seems perfect. How is the noise level and how are the amenities?

How to take the blade out of a disposable gillette razor?

If you wanna get the blade blades out and not just the head with all of them off then on the side of the razor there should be these little metal clips that hold them on to it so just turn it over the blades down and take some tweezers and pry the little latches open and take em off and the blades should just fall just out.

Does dre actually make his beats by dre?

theyre under his name but what exactly do you think he does to make them? and speaking of companies, why dont crappy razors like bic make better 7 blade razors? why do they wait and make one extra blade at a time when they could have made 10 blades instead of 4 or 5? why do some razor blade companies have such plain crappy razors? even if they copied gillette or something they would make a lot more money wouldnt they?

How far do you think technology has come? Are we playing God?

There is no such thing as "crossing the line" when it comes to knowledge, science and technology.

Help With BB Gun Choice?

you will need a Red Ryder 200 shot Range Model with a compass in the stock and a thing that tells time.

Why has the cost of razor cartridges doubled in the past two years?

Ok, I get it more blades equals higher production expense. A 100% increase, however, seems excessive. I just paid $17 for 4 Gillette Fusion Proglide Razors. Even at Costco you pay about $3.50 each.

Why dont you like Lebron?

The guy thinks he can take the easy way out by going to the Cheat but he does not know that even if they do have two star players he still has to show up in the 4th quarter for them to win the series. The guy talks about him self in third person who does that but a jerk. The guy Should not even be mentioned as the top 5 in the NBA anymore to be considered top 5 in the NBA you have to show up for the whole game and not three quarters.

Zelda Spirit tracks question?

In Zelda spirit tracks are the bomb bags optional because I am at the Tower of Spirit Fifth visit and there are these blocks that can be bombed and I don't have one. Where can you buy one and it is too late to get one because I already defeated cragma

Need help with my paper tower design for school contest?

this is my first time entering a building design contest. i need to build a building or a tower anything with using only newspapers and glue/tape. the tricky part is that my paper building need to withstand an amount of weight. the higher the amount of weight a building can withstand, the higher the chances for my team to win. so can anyone give me any idea on how to construct a paper tower/building?? thank you!!

Why is Customer Service Beneficial?

How is customer service beneficial for Customers, Workers and owners of a Theme park...for example Alton towers? please provide some reasons why its beneficial

What can I write on the poster? Best answer chosen easily...?

You'll need a lot more than a sign to get into the T-Party room. About 20-30 people get picked out of 55,000. Put something on it that's personal, creative, funny, and that she would like. :] Nothing's better than one from your own head!

Taylor Swift tickets at gillette june 25th?

We rushed to order tickets back in December, thinking they would be sold out in no time on ticketmaster. We wanted to get 5 tickets together, but it was too hard, so we split it up 3 and 2. We got mezzanine section 236 tickets, which should be okay. But I went on to ticketmaster today and searched tickets just for the hell of it, 5 tickets together, and they came up, club level seating! Why is it that it is supposed to be a sold out show, but tickets are still available on ticketmaster, from the original source??? I am so annoyed that we couldnt have gotten these seats because they are all together and better seats. I am still happy that I have tickets, but it is just so annoying. Why is this???

How can I meet Taylor Swift at a concert?

I'm going to a Taylor Swift concert this June at Gillette Stadium. I want to meet her sooooo badly. I know that she loves all of her fans, and that she does a lot of meet and greets. Is there anyone who knows where to go at Gillette Stadium where she would be? All I want is a picture with her and maybe an autograph. It would mean so much to me, so thanks for any help!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Does the punishment fit the crime?

I suppose if there are rules we must abide by them. That fine to Childress is a drop in the bucket compared to most people and their salaries. Violence is wrong and the incident should have been taken to the officials. However I do agree with the first person who answered, job well done and here's a beer. The Busch brothers are very dirty drivers and I am glad at least one got some dues.

How can I stop sweating or smelling? Like what deodorant is the best?

I always sweat, from my pits. I have no idea why.My parents won't take me to a doctor, I don't know why. Old Spice doesent work for me gillette doesent and tom's havent tried but am scared to because i heard it makes you smell worse. I'm using Mitchum, it does alright but I still sweat alot. Yes, I shower all the time, I'm always clean, just my pits perspirate alot. I guess my moms considering it now, haha I just asked her. But its affecting my social life. I mean I still party and stuff. I'm 17 and its been going on for about like 4 years. Please give me tips on what to do, or what deodorant or anti-perspirant to use because I've tried most of them. I don't want to sweat at all unless I do physical activity. If i dont sweat, i wont smell, so i really need something to stop me from sweating.Please help, I'm becoming sad about this

For the past month or so, I have been unable to stay connected to a black ops game.?

I used to be disconnected from Xbox live completely and every device on my network would be disconnected from the internet every 5 minutes (due to our ISP tower getting struck by lightning) but now its just games. I can sometimes stay in for a whole game but usually I'll be disconnected within 5 minutes. My NAT is open, UPNP is enabled, ISP is Partnership Broadband. Also, the disconnection is even more frequent if other network devices are connected to the internet.

Is it possible customize my compute for cheap?

Is it possible to get all the parts out of my current windows 7 pc into another tower box with a really cool fancy frame with my own design? Still the same parts just a different tower. Can I get this done for cheap, if so how?

Can I get infected by getting cut with a razor blade..?

I am not cutting, promise. But, I needed something to use for my school project, so, I took apart a Gillette disposable razor. I found it in the bathroom cupboard with a bunch of others, probably my Mom's... while using it I got a small cut, nothing major, but there was blood. Afterwards I got a bit scared and washed the blade, and the cut? Then I put a band-aid on it. Could I get infected, or will it be okay--? And for future reference, are there possibilities of getting infected, if I got cut again, even though I washed it? Thanks. :) xoxo

How much power can Solar Power give?

The main advantage to solar energy is that, unlike fossil fuels, it is inexhaustible. Not only that but there is little to no harmful emissions associated with renewable energy. Wind power is a form solar energy as well. Currently solar power is used for residential homes primarily. Flat solar panels feed energy into the cities power grids, effectively running the homes meter backwards for as much power as the panel produces. To answer your question about the tower, it is estimated that a tower that would produce 100 MegaWatts would have to be 1000 m high and 20 KMs in area. The largest one currently constructed can power about 10,000 homes ( To give you a scale coal plants produce about 3.5 gigawatts in comparison. Currently wind energy shares a similar efficiency rating (20.3%). But countries like China, Germany, and the United States all produce 25+ Gigawatts of power through wind farms. Currently it seems unfeasible to run a city on only solar energies. There are other renewable resources such as tidal energy and geothermal energy but those are rather lacking as well. Look into nuclear energy because it is rather efficient and with the proper safety methods and waste disposal methods, it can be considered a good alternative to fossil fuels. Hope that helps.

New Schick Hydro Coupon?

which Schick Hydro Coupon is the best deal now? and is schick hydro 5 good enough?plan to buy my boyfriend a new one as gift. he's using the Gillette now.

Gillette Razor help.....?

so I heard that mens razors are good and after forever of using disposable razors i decided to try something different. I got the Gillette Sensor disposable razors to try out and I'm wondering if that one was a good one for shaving legs/under arms?

Best things to do in CHICAGO?..GO!?

me&my friend r tryign to have a ferris bueler day:) but ive done the sual michigan ave, water tower, china town, baseballgames...i want to go in DEEPER!!!!! ive lived in chicago all my life, and i want something new!!! gove me a bunch of stuf!!!

How can I reduce razor burns?

stop shaving for a week or something and leave your skin rest, i have really sensitive face skin too try using 3 blades razor with shaving oil it works very good to me.

I found a painting and want to know who the artist is?

The painting seems to be watercolor. It is signed Gillette. It is numbered 842/1000. The painting is a seaside town done in blue. Has people walking on streets and boats in a marina. It has a lighthouse in the distance. I have pictures i can send if anyone may be able to help. thanks

The diameter of a water tower tank is 16ft.....?

The diameter of a water tower tank is 16ft, and its height is 11ft. What is the volume of water that can be stored in the tank? (Use the value 3.14 for pi and round answer to the nearest cubic foot)

How do I reduce/stop armpit hair growth? Shaving all the time sucks :(?

Waxing seems to make the hair grow back slower and thinner. You can also tweeze in between shaving or waxing. The red bumps are from irritation. Perhaps use a different shave gel? Laser requires many many treatments to get rid of the hair permanently, about 8.

Why can't my 42'' plasma widescreen tv display widescreen tv?

ok so i've got a panasonic viera 42'' and i'm watching gillette soccer saturday but the ends of the screen i can't see! why?! is there a way to adjust the screen o fit the whole picture in. i know how to make the picture smaller but the cut off points remain the same with just a grey background. i thought if you pay �380 for a hd ready 42'' tv u could expect at least widescreen. please help! cheers.

I wrote this story for my 12th Grade English. What do you think of it?

Stephen Biko died September of 1977, aged 914. He died on the 14th of February. He ran two hundred kilometres to improve the stability of a floating disc that leads out into a mountain that is collapsing onto a dog inside a human sized cup of water. The water changes to a viscous goo that slowed the decent out of a hole in the cup and calmed down the masses reducing rebellion. Once the cup had drained a shadow appeared and the dogs came running home and fell off a plank leaning over the bridge. The bridge was made of soggy paper and squid, it was highly unstable but it was stuck to a tree mounted on the side of a spitfire plane. The spitfire was attached to another plane, both planes travelling at a speed of 200 kilometres per hour. The planes were moving but set in cement thirty kilometres underwater on an orbital ball rotating 200 kilometres per hour in the opposite direction. The orbital ball falls 5 units to smash a pot and kill a slug. The slug’s son avenges his father’s death by biting Stephen inside the cup. The bite then turns into a cut that is ripped open by the water pressure. The pressure then causes a pipe to explode, the steam killing the slug sitting in a lounge chair 3.43 seconds away from Sirius. The chair was triple threaded with a buff finish. The duck however was inside the chair and had no perspectives so he began to write a tale of his trip. The story was plastered across the trees inside the chair, the trees that had grown because of the moisture and lack of sunlight? Was that a question? Who knows, all I know for certain is that Grown Ups is a terrible movie.

Are there any sites with tutorials or tips for Tiny Tower, the ipod game?

You can check out this site

Will water ruin vans?

Your feet will get wet but the shoes should be fine. Either set them out to dry afterwards or put them in your washing machine to clean them then set them out to dry

Any reason not to shoot a slug out of an o/u shotgun?

Got my shotgun back from repairs today. I am going to the range tomorrow. Modified and improved chokes. Yes, they are rifled slugs. Just making sure thanks

If I put a rifled barrel and scope on my mossberg?

NO. You might get 150 out of the mossberg 12 gauge. But you will more than likely see the groups open up a lot after 125 yards. The 30-30 using normal ammo is good to 200 yards and add another 50 if you have the hornady stuff.

Shaved for the first time using a razor?

the best thing to shave your goods with is johnson & jonson baby oil GEL. the gel IS really thick.

My life in ruins, long distance relationship, family issues...please help?

At this point you are in danger of serious injury or death at the hands of your family. Move away from your family as soon as you can and don't let them know where you live. Your LIFE (literally) is the most important thing right now, so forget about graduate school and do what you need to do to be safe.

Would this be OK for a prom dress?

Okay I looked at the dress and it is SIMPLY GORGEOUS!!! Idk about the white shoes or hair but either way you would look amazing i'm sure =) And the dress and make up would look amazing!! Just because your a bit more brute than your gf doesn't mean you can't be girly for one night =).. Have fun try something new and and just be happy =) that's all that really maters =)

How do you translate "Elizabeth walks her French poodle past the Eiffel Tower" HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADEMOISELLE?

She loves France. So we are making French things for her for her birthday. This is for the front of her birthday card. We have a picture of her on the front of the card walking a poodle by the Eiffel Tower. We want this to be the caption on the front of the card.

Anyone want to ps3 gameshare with me?

i have infamous2, midnight club la, modnation racer+dlc, prince persia warrior within, assassin creed1 + 2, infamous, prototype,bf 1943 burnout paradise+ addons, god of war 1+2, lbp, ghost busters sanstum of slime,wakeboarding hd,braid, pixel junk shooters, tomb raider underworld, laura croft guardians of light, castle crashers,sonic adventures ,kickass, dead space ignition,black light tango down, black ops first strike and zombie waw dlc, escalation map pack.. PSN Ayoo_SPARKS

Is air at alton towers like a rollercoaster?

last year i went on 13 at alton toweres and i really didnt like it and now i hate rollercoasters. im going again in a couple of weeks and im really tempted to go on air because it looks fun. But now im scared incase it is like a roller coaster and dont know whether to go on it or not. i also want to know how fast it is. Thanks!

Whom do former Jehovah's Witnesses believe are true Christians?

jehovah witness and christianity are all man-made, just like any other religion. anyone can make a religion thousands of years before hand and have millions of followers. i believe there's a creator but he was high as hell when he made us and clearly doesn't give a **** about this universe. he's a porn director.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Facial acne??????????????????????

i shave using a 5 blade venus gillette razor and mens shaving cream i get bad acne i do wash my face but i seam to break out after i shave i hate having acne and it bugs me so bad

St marys church in kirkby lonsdale, Cumbria. Why is the clock offset from the centre of the tower ?

Where can I find a very good power supply for a micro-atx form factor?

Odd. Micro-ATX refers to the size of the motherboard, as in its physical dimensions. It doesn't have anything at all to do with PSU that is compatible with it. PSU do have several different form factors as well but they have to do with the chassis they are installed in. If you have a full tower case then it should fit any standard ATX PSU (there are a few expections but these are generally well documented if you google your specific case) and they come in a wide array of wattage. If you need a smaller form factor PSU they are often limited in wattage by their smaller size and the fact there is little demand for high power PSU in slim/micro cases.

Which of these NFL stadiums do you like the best?

I was looking at a list for top NFL stadiums and I tried making my own favorite list but out of like 6 I couldn't decide number 1. My top stadiums are Lambeau Field, Lucas Oil Stadium, Sun life Stadium, Gillette Stadium, Cowboys Stadium, and New Meadowland Stadium. (Long list I know) But of these what's your favorite of these and why?

Nothing seems real anymore? I feel like a spectator?

Nothing seems real to me anymore. I feel like I'm slugging around in this body living but not really alive. Whats worse is that every time I try to cry nothing comes out. I feel dead, like I'm walking in darkness, like a robot, like a slave of something. I don't know what to do anymore, any advice? Does anyone ever feel this way too?

Did Lebron just diss every person on the planet?

In a way, he is correct. We all go back to our daily lives, regardless of who won the NBA championship. But, Lebron is biting the hand that feeds him. He is basically saying that he is better than everyone else because he can go back to his mansion and count his money. OK, well, more power to him, I guess, if that's what makes him happy.

Do Gillette Fusion blades fit on a Gillette Fusion Power razor?

Do they fit? Will they work? Or do I need the Gillette Fusion Power blades? The only difference I can see is the colour!

I need a new desktop Tower.?

The tower i own now is pitiful. I mean I'm pretty sure it was once good, roughly 15 years ago. It's a dinosaur and I'm desperate for a new one. It would be my family's desktop so it would have to run World of Warcraft, League of Legends, a few other games (free trials for other MMOs, Warcraft III, stuff like that). My dad likes to take a lot of pictures, so it would have to have enough memory to hold a ton of pictures, as well as picture editing and display software. Don't worry about the graphics card, i have a 9500 GT GeForce graphics card from nVidia that I thought could have things run a little more smoothly on my computer. I'm assuming i could just pop that out and put it in the new tower (correct me if I'm wrong). These requirements along with simple Microsoft Word files, Power Points, anything a freshman in college, a junior in highschool, and an 8th grader will need for homework and school. My tower now has roughly 200GB of memory, 1 1/2 GB of RAM, the 9500 GT GeForce graphics card, and i have no idea what the averages of any of these things are in today's tower models. I really appreciate any help. thanks

How to sync two tiny towers using the same GameCenter?

Ok, this question might be a little confusing. I have tiny tower on my iphone and IPad. But they are different on each one! Is there a way I can sync them so they are exactly the same using the same GameCenter account?

How often should you use a new Gillette Fusion Cartridge?

Well first, your icon pic is SUPER creepy. Lol. You should change it when the little blue strip above the blades has faded or isn't a full line. Usually, you feel it getting dull before that tho. Its really a matter of prefereance... I like using a semi dull razor way better than a brand new one cuz the new one always, always cuts up my skin and gives me razor burn.

Is using a new clean unused sharp leg shving razor bad for your hair ?

I have those disposable Gillette leg shaving razors and i want to use a new unused One to thin the bottom of my hair ... So then will it be bad for my hair ? I intend to do it just once but the razor when u first open it its very sharp and can cut hair easily so it wont tear . So will it be bad if i only do it once ? I want to thin my hair so if its bad for me to use a razor then how can i use my hair cutting scissor to thin the ends of my hair ?

How come ALL the founding fathers were clean-shaven?

They had straight razors, which provide a way better shave. These days we aren't taught how to use them because the assumption is we'll slit our throats or something.

US Mens National Team at Gillette Stadium Training?

What will go on? Will i be able to get autographs, tak pictures with players, and get up close? Will it be from afar? Thanks

Where can I buy shaving cream?

I'm not talking like gillette or barbosal or nivea, all which I can get at walmart. i'm starting to appreciate the art of shaving and am looking for quality cream that I can dip my shaving brush in. Where can I buy some at?

Guys.. Do you use a Gillette razor?

Do you use a Gillette razor? If so why? and do you buy into their branding? The best a man can get and the clich� manly look of the products? Thank you.

I love the names Cylee, Cayley, Keylee but these names are already taken in my family ?

I was considering Rayley but I dont think it flows well with the last name which is Gillette, I also like Leighton, Genesis, Gentry, Giselle, Giana (Gi-Ana) Its not Anna. And britton is just a few, I like the two middle name thing to. Please help name suggestions are greatly appreciated for both boy and girl because we do not know the sex

Im currently using a normal non-electric razor by gillette... but can't get a completely clean shave?

make sure yu wet your face, let the shaving cream stay on your face for a bit so it will let it soften your face, and keep cleaning your blade as yu shave

What do u think of these baby names?

I love your first two names. Gentry, Aubree, Leyton, and Keelyn I do not like. Too trendy for my taste. But I must admit, I quite like Aubrey on a boy. I wouldn't use it though just because of teasing. I love Daniel, corey, and Stephen, and Landon. Those are all WONDERFUL names. Great job! I like the sound of Sophia Greene and Daniel Greene :) But my favorite first names in general from your list are Sophia and Landon. I'd say go with that. They all rock except for the last girls names you listed after Sophia and Bentley. :)

Looking for good spitzer boat tail for reloading 8mm?

I'm trying to find an FMJ spitzer in boat tail to reload for my 8mm mauser. My bore slugs out at .324 but the only spitzers I can find are in .323. Does anyone know of a source where I can find them in .324/.325? I currently use cast ammo and it works great but I want to get something going in FMJ.

Feeling Depressed and looking for quick solution?

You have to forget about the past and realize there is nothing you can do about it. After that is done your mind will be more clear so you can focus on the task at hand.

Please please help, what game is this??????????

i used to play this game and it was really good, but now i can't remember it's name and can't seem to find it. i was wondering if anyone could help me. it's in 2d, you play as some kind of snail or slug. it was a puzzle game, kind of like an rpg. you could go to hell but i can't remember how. the was made of flat squares. im sorry i cant remember more, please help if you can. it is fairly old, maybe 8 years since i last played it. it is an online game. and in this one bit you had to get across a river and there was a guard there or something.thank you so much if you know it. i think it had a kind of 3rd perspective top down view.

What kind of maple is this leaf from?

I found this beautiful little maple seedling a href="" rel="nofollow" growing in one of my outdoor flower pots here in Brooklyn, NY, and took it inside to save it from the scorching sunlight and apparent insect/slug predation. A few days later, I found this set of maple leaves a href="" rel="nofollow" resting on top of some firewood in the back yard. I'm wondering if they're from the same tree that spawned my seedling, but the leaves look something like silver maple, while my seedling looks like red maple (can't wait til autumn!). Hope someone can verify my identifications since I'm still a novice in botany.